Thursday 19 February 2015

BOP Cluster meeting and morning tea

This Thursday (19.02.15) Ang and I organised a cluster meeting and morning tea for the participant teachers in our area.

Chris Duggan from House of Science spoke to our group for half an hour, outlining her journey.  It's incredible to track the progress of the HoS from initially an idea to now being being rolled out across NZ!  We were thoroughly impressed and inspired by her story and are all keen for our schools to join up if they are not already members.

We then invited staff and students from the Coastal Marine Field Station to join us for morning tea. This gave them the opportunity to explain their work and us the opportunity to connect.  Te Puea did a fantastic job of rounding up a group and getting them across to us despite their busy thesis writing schedules.

The room was buzzing with chat and I think both teachers and scientists enjoyed themselves. 

We then met Mark in the hangar for a quick tour and Q and A session of the tanks.  These are here for both educational and research purposes. 

Mark who takes care of the tanks is an example of someone with high scientific literacy, most of it gained through careful observation and experience.  I learnt that the male sea horse has a big stomach to attract the females with and that carpet sharks can rest on the sea floor unlike other sharks which must keep moving.  A video of the sea horses to follow!


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