Today we joined our host for a trip to the University of Waikato. We were to meet a few VIPs and to also hand our contracts to the right person for signing.
It was great to have some one on one time with our host (as John suggested, in the car is a prime opportunity to pick their brains and hear all of their scientific thoughts on the world). I learnt some interesting things today about seismic mapping, freshwater jellyfish and TED talks! Our host explained how he assisted with research on seismic mapping in
While at the university we bumped into Jaco and caught up about how things are going at our respective sites. I was envious to hear that he is out at Raglan tomorrow swimming drifters out to their various locations! We had a quick tour of his office and met his office mate with whom we discussed the pros and cons of fundamental versus applied research.
(Communicating in Science: beginning to use a range of scientific symbols, conventions and vocabulary)
While on the road I got to thinking about the Nature of Science and I wondered how many examples of this I would find while on this sabbatical. My aim is to get one real life example or more from each of the AOs for NoS.
NoS participating and contributing: use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them
NoS understanding about science: identify ways in which scientists work together and provide evidence to support their ideas
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