Monday 23 February 2015

Teaching Science in the 21st Century

Last Thursday (19.02.15) I had the opportunity to attend this Public Symposium at the University of Waikato. 

A range of speakers, from practising classroom teachers to researchers presented their views then two professors from the Netherlands (Professor Jan van Driel and Associate Professor Amanda Berry) summarised the talk from their viewpoints.

Some key points I came away with were:

The "Hawthorne" effect
active teaching versus inquiry
personalised versus individualised learning

Irene Cooper - Principal of Hillcrest Normal School
matching the front and the back of the curriculum(values and KC to AOs)
encourage flexible delivery but expectation that science IS delivered
2 year cycle of coverage
linking virtual to real experiences

Georgina Stewart - Kaupapa Maori Science
Western Science can be a gatekeeper to Maori students due to high literacy and numeracy demands
Need to look at non Western Science when teaching too

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