Sunday 3 May 2015

Curriculum Day 1 - 29.04.15

NoS: knowledge ABOUT science
Context:  knowledge created by science

Science fair tends to consumer testing

Try Padlet - for brainstorming in class

Reading about science is not the same as doing science, testing the real world is the final arbiter of claims

BSC and MBS are a one stop shop for resources, especially for addressing misconceptions
google, children's non fiction to build Teacher content knowledge

Capability 2 - Thinking with Evidence

Kahoot - free online quiz (used after treasure hunt activity, could work well for staff PD)

NEMP - National Education Monitoring Project, could be useful for assessment ideas and PD

What did you do first? What happened at the end?  What happened in the middle?
What did you have at the start?  At the end?  In the middle?

Baking soda in tissue in bottle with cork
Berocca in water in film canister
Baking soda + citric acid+ icing sugar

 Demonstrating the Moon orbiting the Earth and how the Sun's light appears on the moon.
Some people could we test this?

Demonstrating a caldera using a balloon in flour.  caldera is a cauldron-like volcanic feature usually formed by the collapse of land following a volcanic eruption. They are sometimes confused with volcanic craters.

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