Sunday, 3 May 2015

Curriculum Day #2 30.04.15

Richard Hall from Stonehenge Aotearoa

"Not knowing stuff is awesome"  quote from scientist Jenn bumped into

In the 19th C some countries will still marked as "unknown" in encyclopedias

Science -speculation, theory, fact
Belief/Faith - spirituality, religon, mysticism, magic

Science Capability - Critiquing Evidence (Not all questions can be answered by science)
Full moon is linked to increased crime

world was uncertain for early humans apart form the stars
untouchable thus the realm of the gods
Great Bear Constellation - plough
Star signs initially marked important events happening in lives ie.  Matariki

Earth maintains its tilt thus the same seasons at the same point in its orbit

Time keeping important for farming, migration, navigation (Kupe)

Story telling
throughout most of history there has been no written word
stories are a way of encoding knowledge
Kupe's octopus - ocean current

Children trained from 4-puberty to be a living book

Word meanings change
virgin - wise woman

Mythology interweave supernatural, facts and symbolism

Visuals are worth the time they take to prepare in powerpoint presentations

Portents (celestial signs) herald important events

If you can read the sky you can understand the mind of god!

the word month comes from moon
Maori use lunar calendar
European solar 

Menstrual cycle, lunar calendar, moon usually a feminine symbol

Land of the long white cloud - at statioary clouds form over landmasses

fish hook -symbol of teacher
cast hook, don't tell everything

Lots of good einstein quotes

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