Sunday 3 May 2015

Curriculum Day 2 Part 2

Nation of Curious Minds is about connecting, linking and networking

Possibility of visiting Carol B (past fellow) at Hampton Hill Primary School to see how she is integrating science

Dual role of scientists - creators AND crtiquers of claims

big groups encourage disengaging and make it difficult for individuals to be heard

Characteristics of good evidence are:

Assessment - Alice


Helps kids' learning
improves teaching


Application of content (use it)
Science inquiry skills (capabilities)

Lester Flockton 2009

Scientific drawings
annotated drawings

no template given and often no exemplar meaning children share their new perspective of the world

Air teaching ideas (umbrella behind runner, balloons holding table, tissue in cup in tub of water which doesn't get wet)

authentic audience

WALT that about

Capabilities expand NoS, a way of teaching NoS

Yesterday we did ... , today we are doing...

Yesterday we collected data, today we are going to use it

Co constructions can be useful

"What does ... look like?"

Austin's Butterfly

coke bottle clouds

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