Monday, 30 March 2015

Plant and Food research

Yesterday PTs from the BOP and Waikato plus some classroom teachers from Te Puke Primary school met at the Te Puke site of Plant and Food research to learn more about their work.

To quote, "our science delivers new plant and seafood based foods, beverages and ingredients from environmentally and economically sustainable production systems".

It was very interesting and we learnt a lot about the long process of releasing kiwifruit cultivars, impacts of Psa-V pathogen and girdling on kiwifruit, possible interactions between fungi and pests such as chorus cicada, potential use of pheromones to disrupt moth mating behaviour around avocado trees and research into a potato blight using radioactive compunds.  These ideas were presented through vocabulary, photos, diagrams and statistics on a slide show, diagrams on the whiteboard and also specimens for us to look at and hold.

Science Capability - interpret representations. Scientists represent their ideas in a variety of ways including models, graphs, charts, diagrams and written texts.

We also learnt of the potential of awheto as an international export. This caterpillar is prized in China and has also been highly regarded by Maori for its medicianal benefits and use in tattooing.  With more research and consultation with iwi there is the potential to expand this as an export commodity too. 

NoS Participating and Contributing
Explore various aspects of an issue and made decisions about possible actions (awheto has potential but would need to find out where it is currently commonly distributed and investigate partnership with iwi)

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