We spoke about my feelings of inferiority in comparison to the current leader. Kris suggested having this conversation with the leader with the aim of becoming confident in my own style. I realised that it's important to request feedback from a mentor rather than trying to second guess.
We spoke about conflict in light of a TED talk I watched recently which proclaims conflict can lead to deeper thinking and thus needs to be embraced.
Kris had some sentence starters for me which could be useful in different situations/
- Ok, I hear you have a different point of view. I'm prepared to ....
- This is important to me, thank you for taking the time to ....
- This is really important to me, I'm wondering of we could talk about it another time?
- This is going a bit fast for me can we chat again tomorrow?
I also need to be mindful of expressing my agreement as often as my disagreement rather than assuming no comment mean I agree!
We talked about an ideas mindset and clarifying the purpose of the meeting. Is the meeting for generating ideas or decision making? Is there an ideas section on the agenda? Try allocating time for social chat either at the start or end of a meeting.
Gem: The key is dealing with the unexpected in a leaderlike way